Friday, March 25, 2011

Ricotta's educazione

Actually, Carol told me she was at a loss with me because I was an avid mouther and despite multiple "No"s, I still continued and it made everyone unhappy as my teeth is sharp and it hurt.
So Carol went to ask from help, and many barking pals of hers gave her advice.

One of her bark pals said that it was because I did not know the consequences of what I do when I mouth, and the reason being- everyone was not consistent in my training! As it goes, a bad dog does not originate by itself, but because of a bad owner, so Carol decided to take the initiative to create a powerpoint to educate her family about consistent training.

In the end, it was successful and they applied their "knowledge" on me! Why do I have to be the cavia? But anyway, I managed to pick up fast and Carol was extremely pleased with my progress!
Now I know better than to mouth, well at least roughly. Teehee!

So for all those furry friend's momsies and dadsies out there, please be patient and consistent
when training! You have to remember that consistency and patience are the two key factors to training
and that we're just puppies. :)


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