Yes, I'll be posting this for Rico today :)
On Thursday morning, we sent our little sheltie to the vet's to get sterilised, and was awaiting his return at around 8 at night.
But the vet rang us up at around 6, telling us that the little prince had a successful surgery (which of course calmed me down), but he had to stay overnight because his swelling was quite bad and they wanted to keep him for observation, and I eventually spent the night worrying about my Rico.
But the vet assured us we could bring him home the next day at 12 noon, and I immediately rushed home after band to bring my boy home. At around 2 we picked him up, and I was shocked to see the state he was in. He looked so limp and tired, and his wound didn't look very good either. They gave us lots of medication, and I had to write them down on a little card to remember the instructions, haha!
But I have to say, I am glad my little boy is doing well now :)
He was pretty groggy at first, and kept whining because he didn't want the e-collar on, but somehow he kept quiet and just lay his head down to rest or sit down. He didn't move much, but he did try his best to walk to greet my dad at the door when he came home :) What intrigued me the most was Rico's way of telling us he was going to tinkle. He sat on his pee tray for a long while, and then when we weren't looking, he started to go to his toilet, which I saw after I turned back.
I'm happy that Rico still managed to remember where to go potty even in his zombie like state! :) He had a good early dinner, some apples and water so I guess it wasn't surprising his amount of wee could soak through the very thick (about 6 pieces) pile of newspapers we put on his tray HAHA. He ate his tablet without whining, spitting or throwing it up too :D
He started getting better at night, and he could RUN and BARK at the other dogs outside, which of course proved that he was definitely on his way to recovery LOL. And we're gonna clean up his wound once he wakes up from his nap! We hope he'll get better with each coming day! :
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