Yay! Today I get back my "posting rights" to the blog! Mom did all the posting recently, and I pleaded and pleaded to get her to let me use the computer! So I got it! First of all, I'd like to thank my friends who posted nice comments about my training videos. So far these are the only two I know, and mom says we'll be practicing more useful obedience stuff like stay and down so get ready for more videos! :) But today I'll be telling you stuff about my family members, the aristomilago shelties! :D
And I'm not too young to use the computer, mind you! I know this other sheltie on Facebook who's around my age... what's her name? I think Zoey. And she uses her daddy's facebook! SHE USES HER DADDY'S FACEBOOK! She has facebook!!!!! Well, maybe not hers, but still!!! I bet if my mommy Trixee or daddy Meteor had facebook, I'd be able to use it! Hmfph! It's unfair! I want a facebook too!

And that's my grandpa Prince and daddy Meteor (the sable sheltie -pokes up-) ! He's one hip agility sheltie, just like my friend, Ricky the sheltie! :) Maybe when I grow up I'll aspire to be like my daddy Meteor, and grandpa Prince, who are both agility dogs!. :) He's so cool and awesome! I'm a boy too, so I should follow in their footsteps someday... But Mom said I was a bit freaked out when they put me on the dog agility A-frame, but I somehow managed to crawl down. In the end, I stayed in the shade under the A-frame! You can't blame a dog for wanting to relax!!
Okay, enough of the guys in my family, so I bet you want to know more about the girls right? Well, let's get on to them!

Heehee! Guess who those pretty girlies are? That my sister JJ and mommy Trixee! Aren't they both so pretty? Sister JJ is the one on the chair and mommy Trixee is the one on the floor :) I loved playing with Sister JJ while I was in my breeder's house and mommy Trixee pampered me and my sister, Tira a lot :D Sister JJ is from mommy Trixee and daddy Meteor's first litter, and boy is she big and pretty now! Mom thinks I have a striking resemblance to her, as in terms of ear setting a the face structure :)

That's sister JJ on the left and me on the right! We look the same, don't we? Except that I have the white blaze in between :D
Anyway, some of you may be thinking, who's Tira? Well, I've introduced her in this blog before, but I guess I'll tell you more about her! She's my litter mate, and she's a really pretty girlie too! I love my sister a lot, and I like to play with her too! After all, it was the both of us growing up together :) Although we don't stay together now, we are still great playmates as we meet up for the monthly sheltie gatherings :D

I am very lucky to have such a pretty sheltie as a sister right? :D
And then there's grandma Coco!

Isn't she so sweet and pretty too? Mom thinks she one of the sweetest dogs she's ever met! Hmm, sweeter than me? -jealous- But anyway, grandma Coco is the infamous -ahem-, I mean, famous, puppy discipliner! Yes, she PUNISHES us! Well, that's what grandmas do, right? Last time Tira got a good punishing from grandma Coco for being naughty and disrespectful. Grandma Coco punished sister JJ when she was young, and now sister JJ punishes Tira for being naughty, heehee! I don't play much with grandma Coco, because if I do, I might put myself in the risk of being punished! Sweet sheltie? Not so! But Mom for once is a bad judge! And once again I shall say, you can't judge a dog by its bark! But grandma Coco doesn't even bark! So I don't blame Mom for not being able to judge and calling grandma Coco a sweet sheltie, when she's just like any other gran!
And lastly there's my oldest sister, sister Kaycie! She belongs to one of Mom's friends, Sibonay. She's sister JJ's littermate, and I only have a vague recollection of her visiting me when I was a tiny baby puppy. Mom says she's a sweet dog too! A bigger version of grandma Coco! I hope she doesn't punish though... :X I heard from sister JJ that grandma Coco NEVER punished Sister Kaycie before! A legendary tale! She must have been a really well-behaved puppy then! Unlike me and Tira! Heehee.

That's sister Kaycie! Stunning right? Just like sister JJ! I think all the girlies in my family are so pretty!! Too bad I'm a boy, or I would have said I wanted to be as pretty as them! But I think I'd stick to being as handsome as daddy Meteor or grandpa Prince. That's what you get for being the only boy in the third generation!
So to sum it up, I have 10 family members! Grandma Coco and grandpa Prince, mommy Trixee and daddy Meteor, sister Kaycie and Jaycie, and my little sister, Tira! Daddy Meteor actually has a brother and sister, so that means I have an aunt and uncle, which makes ten! Teehee! Not bad right? Maybe I might become an uncle myself sometime in the future... Heehee!
Anyway I'll end this post with a picture of Tira and myself.... when we were one month old! :D

I'm the one with the tail sticking straight up like a radar sensor! Teehee! Till the next post! Hope you enjoyed reading about my family members! :)
You have such a big and happy family, Rico! I am jealous - I never see my doggie family any more. Are you going to be a hip agility dog too? It is really fun - I think you and your mom would love it!