Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
National Day!
Guess what I'm singing? It's Singapore's national anthem! Today is a very special day for my (an mommy's) country, because it's Singapore's 46th year of independence!!! I'm a Singaporean too, you know! So to commemorate this day, Mommy made a special graphic for my blog:

Viola! Wishing all Singapore doggies and their momsies and dadsies a happy National Day, 2011! Majulah, the Singapore spirit! Woof!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Mommy made a new header + blog design!!! I'm not sure what to make out of it, but she sure seems happy! Apparently Mommy said she was hard at work while I was sleeping my day away- she sure has her ways to make me sound bad! Grr.
I know this is kind of delayed, but Mommy made cookies yesterday!! Cookies!!! COOKIES COOKIES. Oops sorry. Anyway, they looked so.... eatable on the table. I mean they were sitting RIGHT THERE!! But she said they weren't for me and I would have salivated myself to death if I ate them... Yes so if you guessed CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES, you get a treat from me (virtually of course). Let Chef Rico show you the steps! Without actually doing it of course.
First, you put the cookies on the tray:
And lastly, you eat them!!
But I didn't get ANYTHING. Grr!!!!
Okay, I shall stop talking about this very depressing topic. Mommy brought me to a pavilion for obedience training today, and I met this really big sheltie named Russel who's 8 this year. I was trying to be manly and all, but apparently Russel only wanted Momsie's attention because she carried treats with her. And she actually gave him MY treats when I SAT DOWN FOR THEM. *Grumble* Russel is such a bully! Mommy said I would have to learn how to share my food, because she says she's hoping to get a little sister for me. That means I would have to share my toys, doesn't it?
Anyway, Mommy says she needs to take her bathe now, and I have to hand the computer over right now. *Grumblegrousecarp* Okay, five more minutes! Sheesh! Sometimes she can be sooo impatient! So, that's all and goodnight folks!
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